Men’s Health

It is estimated that 1 in 3 men who visit the doctor are affected by bladder leakage


Are you undergoing or have had prostate surgery? Are you experiencing after dribble or erectile dysfunction?

  • Prostate problems

    Radical prostatectomy | Prostate radiation treatment | Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)

    It is common for men to experience bladder leakage, bladder dysfunction and erection issues after they recieve treatment to their prostate such as surgery and radiation therapy. Some men can also experience bowel problems.

    The prostate gland sits right below the bladder and surrounds the urethra (which is the tube that carries urine from the bladder through the penis to outside of the body). The prostate is also very close to the bowel. Prostate treatment can damage the muscles and nerves that control your bladder, bowel and erectile function.

    Understandably for many men, urinary problems and urine leakage are the most distressing side effects of prostate treatment.

  • Post micturition incontinence:

    Commonly known as ‘after dribble’. This can happen when the muscles that surround the urethra (which is the tube that carries urine from the bladder through the penis to outside of the body) don’t close properly. Weak pelvic floor muscles or an enlarged prostate gland are common causes of post micturition incontinence.

  • Erectile dysfunction:

    Any difficulties getting or maintaining an erection are called erectile dysfunction. Many factors can contribute to erectile dysfunction including:

    • weak pelvic floor muscles

    • lifestyle factors such as obesity and limited exercise

    • psychological or emotional issues such as stress, anxiety or depression and relationship problems

    • treatment for prostate cancer including surgery, radiation therapy and hormone therapy

  • Prostatitis:

    Prostatitis is a range of disorders that impacts a significant number of men. It can result in bladder and erectile problems and many men suffer from scrotal, penile and pelvic pain. There can be many different causes for prostatitis including anxiety / stress, inflammation, nerve changes and increased pelvic floor muscle tension (overactive pelvic floor).

    See pelvic pain page for more information about pelvic pain

How can Advance Pelvic Health help you?

With our extensive experience in treating men’s health, we will throughly assess your condition using various assessment strategies including external assessments of the pelvic floor via our ultrasound technology and internal pelvic floor examinations. We may also ask you to complete a bladder and / or accident diary to assess your symptoms in detail.

Our treatment strategies will be tailored around what we find in our detailed assessment of your symptoms and what you want to achieve. We will provide education about your condition and create an evidence-based personalised program that fits into your lifestyle.

For men undergoing prostate surgery: research has shown that doing pelvic floor muscle training before you have surgery can help you recover from incontinence quicker. We recommend that you book your initial appointment with us at least 3 - 4 weeks prior to your surgery date.

You are not alone. We’re ready to listen and here to help.